A189 foot and cycle bridge taking shape
Sustainable transport >
Transport emissions account for a third of all carbon dioxide emissions released in Northumberland. The Council is looking at infrastructure improvements and changing travel habits to encourage more walking, cycling, public transport use and the uptake in electric vehicles.
Local Walking and Cycling Infrastructure Plan>
The Council has developed Local Cycling and Walking Infrastructure Plans (LCWIPs) for our 12 main towns (Alnwick, Amble, Ashington, Bedlington, Berwick-upon-Tweed, Blyth, Cramlington, Haltwhistle, Hexham, Morpeth, Ponteland, Prudhoe), to encourage more people of all ages and abilities to choose more active travel methods.
A bid for nearly £17m is being made through the Government’s Levelling Up Fund (LUF) - a £4.8 billion scheme for eligible local authorities to invest in infrastructure that improves everyday life, including regenerating town centres, high streets and upgrading local transport.
In Bedlington, the scheme will provide new and upgraded active travel infrastructure to improve the east to west link across the town, connecting key residential and employment areas with the planned Northumberland Line station.
Additional benefits to this route include a connection towards the BritishVolt factory and connections to schools across the town.
In Tynedale, an active travel link between Hexham train station and Corbridge is being proposed, which will improve both local connections within Hexham and facilitate active travel trips between Hexham and Corbridge. The route would largely follow the A695 between the two town’s rail stations.
The Council also has funding through the Department for Transport’s (DfT) active travel fund to deliver a second scheme in Blyth and a route in Ashington.