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Engagement and

We want to work together with our partners and communities to tackle climate change. To reach this goal, we are helping them to make more sustainable choices. Whether that is through identifying land to plant trees or providing information about different funding streams.

Climate Champions


Climate Champions are ambassadors for climate change throughout the county and are supported by the Council through training, networking opportunities and funding updates. There are currently 25 community climate champions across Northumberland. To join an environmental group, share your work, or become a Climate Champion visit our community group page. ​

Working with schools


Our Climate and Education Teams are working together with the UK Schools Sustainability Network and the Ministry of Eco and have established the Northumberland Schools Sustainability Network (NSSN), to support schools and education providers across the county to incorporate sustainability and climate action into all aspects of school life.


Location Assessment Toolkit for Electric Vehicle Chargepoints (EVCPs)


We have developed a toolkit to help our councillors select appropriate locations for 11 kW EVCPs. The toolkit offers a comprehensive guide on how to assess the location requirements.

Town and parish council climate change toolkit


We asked Town and Parish Councils how we could help with their climate change ambitions. The Council has created toolkit that guides them through the process of creating bespoke climate action plans for their local areas.

Northumberland Environment and Climate Fund >

Through the Northumberland Environment and Climate Fund, the Council is offering £55,000 of funding to support eco community projects in the county. This includes:


  • Voluntary and community groups

  • Registered charities

  • Constituted groups or clubs

  • Community interest companies (CIC)

  • Social enterprises and parish councils


Over 40 applications were made to the first round of funding in May 2022, with £55,000 worth of funding awarded between 25 successful applicants.


These projects support the council's Climate Change Action Plan and demonstrate longevity as well as a commitment to engaging with the wider community.

Latest climate news >

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Northumberland County Council Climate Team

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© 2024 Northumberland County Council 

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