Northumberland County Council has agreed to an ambitious new environmental policy which strengthens its commitment to a healthier environment and more sustainable future.
The Environmental Policy Statement agreed at Cabinet highlights the diverse range of activities being undertaken by the Council to maintain, protect and enhance the environment and the key role that nature recovery can play in helping to tackle climate change.
The Policy Statement reaffirms the Council’s on-going development of a new Climate Change Action Plan which will set out its climate and environmental targets for 2024 to 2026.
It highlights the Council's responsibility in preserving the natural land to benefit the communities it serves and its strong commitment to front line services, whether it’s dealing with littering and fly tipping or extra roadside litter clearing, creating more green spaces, woodlands and new nature trails, improving water quality, encouraging more active and sustainable transport, to tackling major societal issues such as climate change and the loss of biodiversity.
With a renewed focus on climate change, the Policy Statement clearly communicates the Council’s environmental initiatives and the importance of raising awareness and securing the support and active involvement of individuals, communities and businesses across the county on environmental issues.
Councillor Glen Sanderson, Leader of Northumberland County Council and Cabinet Member for Climate Change said: “I am fully committed to addressing the pressing environmental challenges we all face and fully welcome the new actions for our Climate Change Action Plan which will ensure our County remains the wonderful place it is.
“Our environment is not just the backdrop of our lives; it’s the very foundation of our well-being and our future and the Council is working hard to ensure the county’s stunning natural resources are protected and enhanced, now and in the future.
“We want as many individuals, organisations and communities as possible to play their part, however big or small in helping to tackle environmental issues and we will continue to raise public awareness and encourage more active participation on environmental matters.
“We are soon to launch a new Environment and Climate Change Fund, so that community groups can apply for grant funding to support local initiatives and schemes that will help to maintain, protect or enhance their local environment.”
The Council plans to work with the National Farmers’ Union (NFU), landowners and land managers to ensure they are getting the most out of their land and help them to make the transition to a more sustainable future whilst maintaining productivity.
Councillor Sanderson continued: “It’s imperative that we balance our growth and progress with a deep respect for the natural world that sustains us. We all have a responsibility in protecting our environment, ensuring that our county remains a vibrant and thriving place for generations to come."
The Council has already agreed to take the lead in the region’s response to nature recovery and will act as the accountable body for the participation of the English part of the Borderlands area in the Government’s Local Investment in Natural Capital (LINC) programme.
The Environmental Policy Statement will be widely publicised to help raise awareness, engagement and active participation on environmental matters.
For more information on the Council’s environmental and climate change initiatives go to