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Council urging action over landslip road

The Council is urging the Environment Agency to provide urgent support in dealing with a landslip near Morpeth.

The B6343 Mitford Road has been under three-way traffic light control for over six months due to the failure of the River Wansbeck embankment, which supports the road.

Council Leader Glen Sanderson explained: “These lights are causing significant delays to residents and businesses as well as ongoing costs to the Council.

“As things stand, to progress with the necessary repairs, we need to go through the Environment Agency’s environmental permitting process twice; once for a permit for the ground investigation, followed by a permit for the main works.

“This is due to the works being within close proximity to the River Wansbeck, so there is a need to ensure the works are undertaken in a way which safeguards the environment and doesn't pose any risks to the flood protection scheme for Morpeth.

“Speedy turnaround of the ‘permitting’ process by the Agency would help us as to get on with the works, allowing the road to be re-opened before the autumn, something we all wish to see."

"I’ve now written to the Environment Agency seeking their support on this so that we can get on with completing these complex engineering works in the best interests of all residents and businesses.”


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